Recently, one of our customers just completed the installation of an outdoor P4.81 LED display system. It consists of 2 sets of 3m by 3m LED displays, placed back to back to be a double-sided LED display unit.
Before the P4.81 LED display was installed, it was P16 LED display standing there. After several years, the P16 gradually faded and it’s out of date now. So the end user decided, it’s time to replace the old display with new one! We recommended P4.81 outdoor front service LED display, and this solution was accepted and ordered.
Now with our P4.81 LED display, this new sign looks stunning and sharp.
Even display size is slightly smaller, P4.81 resolution is much higher than P16, about 10.5 times that of P16! It can display clearer images and videos and visual effect is much improved.
What’s more, the P4.81 LED display we provided is with high brightness of over 7000nit.
Direct sunlight? No worries! It’s visible in the sunlight.
The end user is so happy with their new sign, and said they would contact us again when they need a new LED display.
If you or your customer also need to replace the old LED display with a new one and better one, please feel free to contact LEDSOLUTION Team!
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